Hustle is rocking!
Happy February!
What a crazy few months it has been as we launched Hustle in November of last year. It's been full on and incredibly exciting and every day presents new opportunities.
After a frantic 2 days packing all your gin so that it arrived before Christmas as promised, we stopped for a brief moment to catch breath before we got into full swing again.
We finally have sourced where to get all our packaging from (eco friendly and recyclable), and now working alongside a great team of people, making our life a lot easier!
We dropped off 20 bottles in France when we visited at Christmas to our loyal followers over there which is gathering in momentum! Huge thanks to Nicolas who has played a big part in banging our drum for us.
Our stunning website is now in full swing as you can see and up quickly thanks to the amazing Lawrence Symes who worked hard to get it up and running so now you can order online!
Our new Facebook page is gathering momentum (please do visit us and share):
We also got our heads into Instagram space and started a following there - including some big gin companies - and now have interesting requests from Italy and Spain for our Gin (and Denmark!)
The stunning 20 cl bottles were a sell out very quickly which was great news but left us short! Our Limited Edition bottles also sold out, so no more until this Christmas, but good news: as of last week we have now have just picked up our second batch of gin...
Several gastro pubs have embraced our gin and love it, and more pubs about to stock Hustle are on the way.
The feedback we have received has been truly humbling...
Susy Atkins who writes a column for The Daily Telegraph, had a bottle of our gin and loved it quoting " how smooth it was" .
What next? Well the diary is already filling up with food and gin festivals lined up for the year ahead, including the fabulous Cheltenham Food Festival in June which will be a real treat!
Thanks for your continued support - we will be in touch again soon - but follow us on our Facebook page for regular updates and news and on here too...
Gin in the South of France... Bliss